Monday, March 01, 2010

More New and Contrite Words

The collects that follow are drafts and not final versions, and they are written for a specific group of people in a specific place, at a specific time of change and vision, so they may not appeal to everyone; but your comments are always welcome. With thanks to Dr Mark Williams for his contributions to St David and George Herbert. [NB blogger won't let me print half line poetry (St David) so the breaks are indicated by m-dashes.]


Lord Jesus Christ, we remember today your martyr Polycarp, who, like you, was condemned to death for by a lynch mob. Help us to follow his example of steadfastness in refusing to bow to idols, and to oppose injustice in every circumstance; for your love's sake. Amen.


God of hiddenness, you chose Matthias to be numbered among the Twelve. Grant us the grace of humble service, with a gaze so fixed on you that our left hand knows not what our hand has done. We ask this through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

George Herbert

[Canticle for Morning Prayer is his poem "Prayer is the Church's Banquet"]

Teach us, our God and King, as you taught George Herbert, that when our hearts cry out to you, it is your voice crying in us. Visit us with the fire of your love that we may perceive the world as an altar fragrant with the incense of your humility; and bring us to your table where your Son, Jesus Christ, waits always upon us. Amen

David of Wales

Lord of Peace, your servant David walked the edge of the world, conscious of its dangers and deceits. May we, like him turn from possessions and preferment to the humble service of your life-giving Word. Grant us thirst for the water of life and hunger for the bread of angels; salt us with the sting and savor of eternal truth, and bring us to the courts of joy, for your Love's sake. Amen.

A Canticle for St David of Wales

[read horizontally]

Wild was the storm — the day of his birth,
Narrow the strait — a perilous place
the wrack of the world — and the song of the sea.
Simplicity his coracle, — his rudder, humility;
wings of angels — fanned his sails.

"Small acts" — he said
"swing the compass — towards peace."
His purified heart — now sings forever;
eternity's haven — his radiant home.

St Chad

Help us, O God, to receive the wisdom of St Chad, who recognized that the struggle for power is never worth the price of one's soul; through your Son, Jesus Christ, who emptied himself that we might live. Amen.

John and Charles Wesley

Lord of warmth and light, you inspired John and Charles Wesley to set hearts on fire and to sing your praise; so kindle the flame of your large love on the altar of our small hearts, that we may know only you in all we think or speak or do, and so run our course with joy; for your Name's sake. Amen.


Anonymous dFish said...

I just finished reading about British monk Pelagius and his Letter for Demetrias (thanks to Carl McColman's site), more from an Orthodox's eyes. Very practical and consoling roadmap for the interior life it keeps me thinking that those who live from the "outskirts" of institutions, especially religious ones, do really write equally profound and honest Collects one could recite or use. Like the Wesleys.

2:31 am, March 03, 2010  

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