Wednesday, May 09, 2012

Maggie Ross at Manchester Cathedral

In case it is of interest, I will be speaking at Manchester Cathedral at 7 PM on May 31, 2012. Hope to see you.


Anonymous sgl said...

more new comments on very old posts on part V of the series "The Seven Devils of Women's Ordination, or, She Who Lie Down With Dogs Catch Fleas"


11:02 am, May 10, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

tx for the x- refcing.

keep it up!


3:12 am, May 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

please, Maggie, would you say some more about each of these in your main blog? You say (1-3)

1."There should NOT be any legislation about solitaries,

2. and as far as I'm concerned I would never make vows in the context of the present institution;

3. the context in which I DID make irrevocable vows is long dead and vanished."

4. Abp Rowan protects you as your protector(as do other Bps protect hermits?) how from the institutional church?

5. Clarification please: has someone written a canonical rule of hermits in the TEC?

6. If so, does a similar thing exist elsewhere in the Anglican Communion do you know please?

SO very grateful for all your books - I treasure and reread all five and look forward to your sixth

and also gracias for this anchoress 'window on the world' blog.


3:21 am, May 13, 2012  
Blogger Maggie Ross said...

To Anonymous with six questions:

Thank you for your kind words; they help keep me going!

As to your questions:

1. see previous posts for the last two weeks
2. ditto
3. For starters, the church adopted a business model. People now get ordained as a career; some even consider the idea of a transfigured life as utterly passé. You cannot serve God and Mammon.
4. There is a canon in TEC (subject of debate on recent posts); guidelines (equally dreadful) in C of E. Bishops have varying attitudes towards hermits; most are threatened by them.
5. There is no canonical rule for hermits. Each hermit life is unique.
6. Don't know about the rest of Anglican communion; sorry.

Thanks for your questions.

9:55 am, May 13, 2012  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks for your answers. They help...

Maggie I can't find it again. but in a comment you said something like that you think you have found the point of change between hermit beget hermit and the church stepping in,in the ninth century (with the ones representing the church not having experienced the eremitic call and its living first hand) Sorry if my paraphrase has missed the mark...

But, after reading that I read comments by both Simon Tugwell (Ways of Imperfection, p 15, 72) and William Harmless (Desert Christians Ch12) that it was Cassian (Harmless says, in a most stunning 'detective narrative', he was fleeing to save his hide from Theophilus (not) and in an ecclesial self-seeking volte face in Gaul) who turned upside down abba-disciple begetting desert eremiticism (as distinct from pachomian proto ceonobiticism)

What think know you?
might all this be critical, n'est ce pas, to what is starting to look like the current move towards institutional control in American ecclesial churches?

gracias c

ps can't get to Manchester, not in Britain, suggesting to my niece in Sheffield she goes... Google maps says it is an hour over the Peak District

5:32 am, May 21, 2012  
Blogger Maggie Ross said...

To C: Afraid you have confused two different threads... Tugwelll and Harmless and others are correct about the hermits.

What happened (or began to happen) in the 9th century was a shift in the psychology and orientation of the entire western church centering on the Eucharist—a shift from opening the gate to deep mind and its self-forgetfulness to trapping the worshipper in reflexive self-consiousness. For a brief account see chapter 9 in 'Saving Paradise' by Brock and Parker. If you want a more scholarly account, Rachel Fulton's 'From Judgment to Power' (listed in Brock and Parker's footnotes) is an exhaustive treatment. Fulton, by the way, agrees with me that the 9th c is the turning point.

7:02 am, May 21, 2012  

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